We want you to know what goes (or doesn’t go) into the food we grow for you.
We take the extra time, effort, and cost required to organically certify with Baystate Organic Certifiers. We also acknowledge that corporate interests have infiltrated the USDA organic label, which now encompasses hydroponic growing and other inputs we believe do not belong. This makes it difficult to make good choices at grocery stores and farmers’ markets.
We believe that organic growing and soil-grown food are inseparable. For this reason, we are members of the Real Organic Project, which seeks to keep the meaning of the word “organic” pure and ensures our growing practices are not beholden to corporate interests. We also strive to ensure a safe, positive, and fair working environment for our workers, as well as care for the local web ecology. The NOFA Farmers’ Pledge encompasses this philosophy, and we take the pledge every year.